The First Hungarian Literary Society is a
Not-For-Profit Cultural Organization, headquartered in New York City.
It is 133 years old and it is the oldest Organization of Americans of Hungarian origin in the United States,
This is how Dr. Zoltan Newmark, Esq. a former President of our Society had recalled the origins of our Organization:
“…go back to 1888, because actually that was the year the idea of the “Onkepzo” (Society of the Self Educated) was germinated. It was that year, in the month of September, that a group of spirited Magyar Immigrants got together in a candle-lit little room behind a cigar store on Stanton Street on the lower East Side….”
Stanton Street, Lower East Side around 1888
As the Organization grew in size and importance it moved to the more affluent Upper East Side.
After decades of successful operation at 323 East 79th Street the building had to be sold in 2019 and now we are in the process of establishing a new home.